Friday, March 20, 2020


It's been a while since I put in an effort to write a fresh blog.

Especially since the challenge is to not write about the stuff everybody already writes about, like Brexit, and the Royal family. So we're not doing that. Also, I shall not write about the world shortage of toilet paper. I keep hearing about that, but I think people are full of sh#t. No, I want to write about picking mushrooms.

The fun thing about cooking pasta is that you always need a pen, which is never around when you need one. So you end up tying your shoes with some postal twine. Now, when you use these scissors - taking care not to run - you can actually sometimes see rabbits, right in your own back yard. Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy. And what fun it is to be in your own back yard, since you don't have one. Never mind that. About knitting a shawl, though, one has to take care not to do this on a Tuesday, as they are closed. 

Taking a more serious view: Nostradamus predicted centuries ago that something or other was going to happen in this year. He was right! And it's happening all over the place. In order for you to dice the onion evenly, you will need something sharp, like the words "shut up!". It's easier to dice an onion than to onion dice, let me tell you. 

At this point we've arrived at the moment in time when Sagittarius is in the 5th house, and Taurus is a previous model Ford sedan. Will wonders never cease?

Finally - what's in these cigarettes?

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